Issiq haddelenmiş po'latdan yasalgan lasan

  • HR temir plitasi Issiq haddelenmiş yumshoq MS po'lat plitalar

    HR temir plitasi Issiq haddelenmiş yumshoq MS po'lat plitalar

    Po'lat plastinka tekis, to'rtburchaklar va keng tarqalgan holda, to'g'ridan-to'g'ri yopishtirilishi yoki kesilgan bo'lishi mumkin.

    Po'lat plastinkaning novdasi po'lat chiziq. Chelik chiziq aslida nisbatan kichik kenglikdagi juda uzun ingichka plastinka. Ko'pincha po'lat po'lat sifatida ham tanilgan rulonlarda etkazib beriladi. Temir chiziqlar ko'pincha ko'p tokli uzluksiz o'quv mashinalarida ishlab chiqariladi va temir chiziqlar hosil qilish uchun uzunroq.

  • Q345 / S355JR po'lat plastinka kiyimlari uchun issiq plastinka issiq plastinka va qurilish uchun

    Q345 / S355JR po'lat plastinka kiyimlari uchun issiq plastinka issiq plastinka va qurilish uchun

    Uglerod po'lat plitasi - bu faqat elementlar yoki faqat mN po'lat plastinkasi bo'lgan po'lat plastinka. It is a kind of steel with a carbon content of less than 2.11% and no special addition of metal elements. It can also be called ordinary carbon steel or carbon steel. Tekis po'lat. In addition to carbon, there are also a small amount of silicon, manganese, sulfur, phosphorus and other elements in it. Uglerod tarkibi qanchalik baland bo'lsa, qattiqlik va kuch qanchalik yaxshi bo'lsa, lekin plastikchilik yomonlashadi.

  • The hot-rolled steel plate is made of continuous casting slab or blooming slab as raw material, which is heated in a walking furnace, descaled by high-pressure water, and then enters the rough rolling mill. Rolling, after the final rolling, it goes through laminar cooling (computer-controlled cooling rate) and coiling by a coiler to become a straight coil. The head and tail of the straight hair curler are often tongue-shaped and fish-tail-shaped, with poor thickness and width accuracy, and the edges often have defects such as wave shape, folded edge, and tower shape. Uning pog'onani og'irligi og'irroq va po'lat mashinaning ichki diametri 760mm

  • Q345GJ (b, c, d, e), Q460GJ (C, D, C), SN490 (b, c) 355emz, 450 (em, EMZ)

    O'rta va og'ir plitalar po'lat plitalardan 4,5-25,m gacha, qalinligi 25,0-100,0 mmm, qalinligi 100,0 mm dan ortiq qalin plitalar va qalinligi 100,0 mm dan ortiq qalin plitalar bilan bog'liq.

    Qalinligi: 4-60mm